
中西區若要興建公屋 堅尼地城西部乃唯一選擇




5 則留言:

  1. I'm not sure. But I remember that there was previous discussion about reserving the former Police Quarters and Kung Man Village for the MTR's residential development to compensate for MTR's capital cost incurred for the West Island Line?? However, it might be now different, as the Government is directly subsidizing the capital cost.

  2. 回 wsyc:

  3. Thanks for the info. Very helpful.

    However, regarding public housing, I think that it should be for the interest of public policy to stop building public housing in urban area (i.e. HK & Kln).

    (1) The first reason I think is on social justice. It is not fair that the public should subsidize for public housing in premium (even, luxurious) areas. There was previous disputes regarding the development of Tung Yuk Court & Oi Tung Estate in Aldrich Bay. These specific residents of these two estates enjoy spectator harbour-view from their homes, at the expense of the taxpayers. It is also unfair if various public estate residents have very different housing conditions.

    (2) The second reason is that it is beneficial for the public housing residents themselves. The HKHA is financially-autonomous from the HKSAR Government. Previously, its business model relied on profits from HOS to subsidize for PRH. However, this business model does not seem viable. Thus, if the HKSA was allowed to sell its land of its old estates to private developers at market prices, the profits from that could be used to subsidize further development of public estates.

  4. Btw, I really hope you don't know mind me posting in English again. Sorry and thanks.

  5. 回 wsyc:





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