

「港人首置上車盤」與目前的居屋計劃或多或少都會有所重疊,與其花心思去區別兩者,倒不如索性將居屋計劃由「綠置居」和「港人首置上車盤」瓜分取代。 (圖片:Exploringlife@Wikimedia)








1 個意見:

1. SOI說...

Sorry, I do not know how to type Chinese. Guess I have to reply in English.

I have given a bit of thought on the buy-back schedule you proposed for the new first-time home owner plan and unfortunately it is not economically sound.

Home ownership is linked to growth of personal wealth intricately, the buy-back plan eliminates any potential of market driven growth and prevents proper market behaviour.

There are few concerns I have with your plan.
1. If the purchase of the first-time owner scheme cannot be sold in the public market (even with restriction).

There would be no incentive to purchase those flats. As you mentioned the potential land opportunity cost. Why should those land should not convert and build public housing estates and increase the means-tested requirement and rent adjusted to income level to whatever the price will be paid off in 50 years (the amount of years a most lands are lease-hold)

2. How would government determine the cost of buy-back?
- If lower than market price, there is no incentive of returning the flats to the government. (Opportunity cost of taking out a mortgage, moving, not purchasing other properties under this scheme)
- If higher than market price, it is sponsoring a group of relatively wealthy citizens with additional taxpayer dollars.

3. Creating all of these formula of pricing is unwise. It creates a price ceiling and price floor. Some units maybe well under the appropriate price or other may well be too high.

- It creates an illusion of fair while introduce lots of unintended consequences.
- The latest subsidised housing sale at Mui Wo shows may be too high priced as the market has told. Some housing can be built to the issue of size and prefer a further distance from the hustle and bustle.

I believe the scheme should be more aggressive and think out of the box.
- Land to be designated at "zero" upfront cost to private developer and to be silt with the government when the units are sold.
- life time purchase or moving in between flats for social mobility (change of job location, increase in family size, change of preference)
- Designated smaller units for single or couples are only applies.

The idea of all these scheme is assist with social mobility in assisting creation on wealth through asset. The ideas are good intentioned, but lead to a more restricted future for our youngsters.

Trust in market power and people be able to deciding their future without too much government interference. What needs to be done is just craving a slightly restricted market where there is a potential for social mobility is reachable. Not to chain and strangle people with their homes.

Long time reader, first time comment. Love your blog.

評深宜論 — 主要聚焦香港時事、社會、規劃、交通等議題
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