


1. 10分鐘內同站出閘免費

  • 好處:毋須額外成本,而且非乘客仍可穿越車站大堂
  • 壞處:只有持八達通人士才可受惠,而且有時間限制

2. 取消東鐵線南大堂轉線通道,改回非付費區,使觀塘線大堂南部可騰出空位設立連接大堂東西的非付費通道

  • 好處:毋須額外成本,最接近昔日非乘客的習慣:任何人士均可毋須入出閘且無時限的情況下穿越車站大堂
  • 壞處:東鐵線南大堂與觀塘線不能轉乘,需要繞經東鐵線北大堂,使人流集中在東鐵線月台北面部份

3. 在根德道、多福道及沙福道設交通燈及行人過路處

  • 好處:方便非乘客在較安全的情況下使用地面道路
  • 壞處:非乘客仍需要日曬雨淋,而且駛經該處的車輛將會受到影響

4. 興建一條接駁又一城至窩打老道的行人天橋系統 (如圖

  • 好處:非乘客可以在有遮擋且安全的通道直接來往又一城至窩打老道
  • 壞處:成本高昂


10 個意見:






回 dan:


In reality, I think that the problem of the current layout of Kowloon Tong Station can be easily changed.

Right now, the un-paid passage-way is from Exit C (Festival Walk) to East Rail Line Concourse. However, Exit C already can go to East Rail Line without going through Kwun Tong Line Concourse, because people at Exit C from Festival Walk can go through Exit H to go to East Rail Line instead.

Thus, if there was to be no unpaid passage way from Exit C to East Rail Line (they can go through Exit H instead), then the unpaid passage way can be from Exit A/E to East Rail Line Concourse.


(In clarify, Exit C1 and Exit H are actually one exit, thus if people from Festival Walk at Exit C2 were told to go to Exit C1 and then Exit H to East Rail Line, then they would not need to go through Kwun Tong Line)


Re wsyc:

Thanks for your comments, but so sorry that I do not quite understand how your suggestion can solve the problem.

The original unpaid passage way from Exit A/E to Exit C is currently blocked by the new paid area linking the 2 East Rail Line concourses. Therefore, the problem seems not to be related to the unpaid passage way for Exit C.

If you want to solve this problem by changing the layout of the station, the only possible solution is cutting the current paid area to 2 halfs: one is linking Northern ERL concourse and the northern part of KTL concourse, the other one is linking Southern ERL concourse and the southern part of KTL concourse. As a result, the middle part of KTL concourse can be served as the unpaid area. However, the major drawback is that such changes may confuse the passengers.




Hmmm... I'll try to explain my suggest better (I'll try to draw a map if I have time later). But you know the Northern passage way between KTL and ERL? There is now also a unpaid passageway on the left-hand side linking Exit C and ERL. However, if the left-hand side passage is paid (So people at Exit C must go through the gates). Then the passageway on the right-hand-side (currently paid) can be turn into unpaid. Then the entire paid area would still be linked. But then there would be an unpaid area from Exit A/H to ERL. (I'll email you a map when I have time).


Re wsyc:

Thanks for your e-mail and map. I got your meaning now. You want to have a unpaid passage way from Exit A/E tp Northern ERL concourse, but not Festival Walk.

However, I do doubt whether it is useful for most people. In your proposal, non-passengers can only travel between Exit A/E and Exit G (near platform no.4, Kent Road & To Fuk Road), but they still cannot go to Festival Walk directly. I do not think your proposal is really what the non-passengers demend.





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評深宜論 — 主要聚焦香港時事、社會、規劃、交通等議題
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